Ratings are 5 = must-drink winner, 4 = excellent and worthy, 3= average/drinkable, 2 = kinda bleah, 1 = absolutely shite.
Remember to drink responsibly, and support local/craft beer. Fuck corporate!
ROGUE - Brutal Bitter Ale (Newport, Oregon) - 5
Not nearly as 'brutal' as the name implies, this rich and golden ale pours with a nice, frothy head. The hops are abundant, and this well-balanced mix has a notable floral aroma, yet never gets into IPA territory. It's got a clear and balanced sweetness to counteract the hoppiness. Beautiful to behold and a joy to drink, I'll be seeking out more of these!
BECK's lager (Bremen, Germany) - 2
One of the more prominent German lagers, this one pours thin and watery, with a pale gold appearance and ample carbonation. Has a very clean taste, with a sort of dirty hoppy aftertaste. Comparable to Heineken, maybe, and ideal for a hot, summery day. Otherwise, not an inspiringly creative brew, and not one I'm all that fond of.
TWO BROTHERS BREWING - The Bitter End Pale Ale (Chicago) - 4
Mmm! This rusty-red English-style ale comes out with a deeply fruity bouquet. The initial olfactory sensation sets the stage for a sturdily hoppy (yes, it's got a nippy bitterness), yet with a well-balanced malty aftertaste. A complex and highly palatable beer, certainly one to enjoy in small doses. I really liked this one.
MICHELOB ULTRA - Tuscan Orange Grapefruit Lager (St. Louis) - 1
Super-fizzy, but quickly-dissipating upon first pour, this hybrid pilsener brew smells (and looks) like a soft drink - all watery and pinky in color. And, truth be told, it tastes like a soft drink, too. Bland and unappealing, this 'beer' lacks any complexity in flavor at all - just a nasty artificial citrus-simulation. My best advice is to leave this one on the racks.
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