Possibly the best-known (and most beloved) Japanese rock act on these shores, this Osaka-based trio have, for 25 years now, cornered the market on cute garage pop-punk. Yes, the 3 ladies of Shonen Knife sing songs about jellybeans, giant kitties, banana chips, and how much they love chocobars. It may sound silly, but it's somehow endearing, and not forced or childish. And as cute as Shonen Knife may be, they prove that they have the musical chops to match. Imagine a collision of the Ramones with the Monkees, add some Hello Kitty, and you shouldn't be far off the mark. Shonen Knife's catchy, melodic, and energetic tunes are full of spunkiness and upbeat vibes. They are simply adorable, and their heavier songs kick ass, too. This live DVD was filmed in Buffalo on the band's 2009 tour, and shows a small but enthusiastic audience soaking in Osaka's favorite daughters' energy and infectious charm. It's well-filmed, the band were on fire, and this one should please just about anyone. I am left more a fan now than before, if that tells you anything!
(Good Charamel Recordsvia MVD Visual)
Shonen Knife site