This Chicago brew (found in limited quantities here in Southern Indiana) comes in a nice pint can, and pours a cloudy amber with a solid sudsy head and thin lace.
Nose says floral with pine and citrus notes. Not bad.
Taste is sharply hoppy, no surprise, with pine and grapefruit tones, and a substantial malt profile. Threadless is a solid, if unremarkable IPA that remains drinkable and session-worthy, but it's not one I'd revisit anytime soon.
A curious ale here out of St. Louis, picked up for under $3/pint at the peerless Wine & Cheese Place, which is a superlative mecca for craft beer (and wine and cheese, if that's your thing).
This tawny amber, semi-opaque ale brewed with chestnuts pours with a thick head of fine, off-white suds. Lace is lovely and delicate.
Aroma is uniquely roasty and nutty. Kinda sweet, even, but very appealing and enticing.
Flavor profile is pleasing to the palate and well-nuanced. I get a hint of malty and lightly toasty nuts (chestnut?) and a wisp of light citrus hops at the finish. I drank this one almost room temperature, and it was a delicious and worthwhile experience. Very good!
This fruit-infused wheat beer from California's Lost Coast Brewing pours a hazy amber, with sediment visible, although the bottle was dated over a year ago, so that's taken into consideration. Limited suds, no lace.
Nose proves to be soapy. I get dish soap, to be exact. Would make for a fetching hand-wash, but not beer.
Tastes similar to the aroma, like slightly carbonated soap, with a hint of wheat and citrus at the finish. Definitely not impressive.
This unique and inventive Scottish ale (found in Bloomington, Indiana's excellent Sahara Mart) pours black, with ruby highlights. Light carbonation and almost no lace.
Nose is chocolate and roast. I also get some booziness, although this one is only 4.4%. Odd.
Taste is sweet and roasty, like a good session-worthy porter, and with a light body. There's a slight brininess in there, but it's quite subtle, as the chocolate maltiness and dark roasty qualities come to the fore. A solid and enjoyable ale.