The spectral and heartfelt opening paean, "Ghost Woman" opens it all in a low-key fashion. It's a great little song, with wonderfully literate verbiage. Perfect. "Apothecary Love" is another memorable and catchy old-time country lament. Beautiful. "Boeing 737" is a rousing and moving anthem, and "Wire" is a lovely clarinet interlude by the band's Jocie Adams. "I'll Take Out Your Ashes" is an appropriately sparse banjo-and-radio ballad featuring charismatic front man Ben Knox Miller. But it's all good, here. Every song tells a story with grace and poeticism.
The Low Anthem will easily appeal to fans of stuff like Dylan, Wilco, or even similarly-named Minnesota drone-rockers Low. This album couldn't get higher marks from me. So what are you waiting for? (Nonesuch Records)
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