Their 8th album, and first in 10 years shows this New Jersey-based old-school thrash metal band hasn't lost it's touch. Led by Tony Portaro's dual attack of screeching vocals and fiery guitarwork, Whiplash don't attempt to "fit in" to present-day metal trends. They stick to their guns and unleash a torrent of fast but melodic metal that should find favor with fans of stuff like prime Megadeth. "Firewater" is a classic metal anthem that brings to mind Judas Priest, even. But it's back to the speed-riffage on "Float Face Down", a rip-roaring rocker that finds the band hitting their stride in style. This one is probably smoking to see live, and I'd be surprised if these guys don't tear it up in front of a live audience. Solid work. (Pulverised)
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