Here we are, another month-plus has gone by, and the seasonal beers have already piled up, been finished off, and more have found their way to Goatsden HQ! But has there ever been "too much beer"? I think not. As always, reviews are rated from 1.0 (outright sewage) to 5.0 (ambrosia from Valhalla). Support indie and craft beer, stay as local as possible, and avoid the multinationals! Onwards, troops!
JACK'S PUMPKIN SPICE (St. Louis, MO) - 2.5
Michelob's entry in the growing pumpkin ale sweepstakes pours a copper/amber, and the initial nose is of nutmeg and clove. The flavor is heavy on the spice, with minimal pumpkin. In fact, I only detect pumpkin in the aftertaste. Jack's is a sweet and malty ale that isn't too complex or unique, and really seems a little overbearing on the tastebuds.
SAMUEL ADAMS OCTOBERFEST (Boston, MA) - 3.5A nice deep amber with substantial lacing, Sam Adams Octoberfest boasts of a spicy nose and rich, hearty flavor profile. I detect hints of candy sugar in the malts, somehow. Substantial and seemingly heavy, this one's pretty well tasty.
BELL'S OCTOBERFEST (Comstock, MI) - 4.0Bell's is a typically amber lager with a rich, malty presence, with a slight tinge of hoppiness near the finish. More complex than the other Octoberfests reviewed this issue, and less heavy. I rate this one a prime example of a traditional Octoberfest style, and a delicious brew.
A nice pale amber complexion for this one, with plenty of suds up front. I didn't get much in the initial scent impression, but first taste hinted at a soft honey flavor, almost. Definitely an easy drinking beer, with a slight hint of hops near the end. Subtle and enjoyable.