Monday, November 15, 2010

"Dolla Morte" (director: Bill Zebub)

Dolls in distress. Like "Team America" but with a more sadistic impulse, this 70-minute film from 2006 takes pleasure in slaughtering sacred cows at every breath. Using only dolls, toys, and simple animations, "Dolla Morte" tells a convoluted tale involving serial-rapists, the living dead, Hitler, the Pope, George Bush, Bin Laden, "great white power" sharks, werewolves, conspiracy theories, Jesus, and more. In an attempt to shock and offend, this one goes too far, with no redeeming value whatsoever. The jokes are bad, the story uninteresting/nonexistent, and my interest waned quickly. This one's like one of the less-successful "Adult Swim" skits that gets swiftly forgotten (and justifiably so). I say "Dolla Morte" is a juvenile, unnecessary, and tedious exercise in cheap shock. For fook's sake, do yourself a favor and steer very, very clear of this one. (Wild Eye Releasingvia MVD Visual)

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