Monday, June 30, 2008

"Immortalised - Earache Records 1986-2000" DVD

Earache Records seem to be cleaning out their video vaults these days, as there's been not one, but THREE video comps released in the past few months.

This one, reprised from a 2000 VHS release (and transferred from that format, seemingly), actually repeats 5 clips from the previous Earache comp ('Earache My Eye'). But that's splitting hairs, right?

There are some fine, upstanding bits of extreme 90's-era metal included here. Morbid Angel's 'God Of Emptiness', something of death metal icon, is cheesy and overly dramatic. And I never felt their music had quite the bite it should've. Hair farmers Carcass turn in the blistering 'Heartwork', which is powerful until the frilly dual-guitar solos kick in. I still like it, though. Pitch Shifter are always worth the ink, and their clip for the fiery 'Triad' is inspiringly aggro - and a prime example of what I feel is the band's best period, harnessing some lacerating industrial beats and electronics with a punchy metal crunch. Iron Monkey's competent screamer 'Gorgonizer' is a simultaneously appalling and captivating pastiche of brutal wrestling footage. Ewww. And Vader's 'Dark Age' could be a parody of death metal, if not for the weirdly out of place white-clad ballet dancer. Huh?

Also included are favorites (repeated from 'My Eye') from Godflesh and At The Gates.

Anyway, this collection remains a solid encapsulation of influential metal label Earache's relevance during the whole 'alt.rock' boom of the 90's. And a lot of it's better than most of the rock that's masquerading as 'metal' lately, so take that as a tentative recommendation. (Earache/MVD Visual)

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